As a charity, the Dorchester Ballet and Dance Club can reclaim a Gift Aid refund of the tax paid by those who earned the money that you pay us for membership subscriptions. The current Gift Aid scheme was introduced in April 2000 and allows claims to be backdated for 4 years; we can claim 25p for every pound paid in membership subscription by you.
For us to be able to make the claim, the person paying the membership fees of £15 p.a. should have paid tax equal to or greater than £3.75 for each year. If you should in the future cease to pay as much tax as the club reclaims you should tell us so that we can withdraw you from the scheme; we will automatically withdraw you from the scheme if your family ceases to be a member of the club. You are not required to report this claim in any tax return.
If you are able to sign a gift aid claim please download the form here and return it to the office as soon as possible. Many thanks for helping us to make the most of this valuable tax relief.